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Quality Assurance

MICT assures quality through a company wide QA program supervised by the President. Thermocouple cable is manufactured to the requirements of either ASTM E585 or E235 (standard grade MgO excepting; high purity powder meets the specifications of both E585 and E235). Every coil of thermocouple cable is monitored through production, inspected and finally tested for conductor uniformity, physical dimensions, dielectric strength, insulaton resistance, electrical continuity, and sheath integrity. Calibration of thermocouple cable is performed against a certified standard at three or four temperatures in accordance with ASTM E220.


Each shipment of mineral insulated cable is accompanied by a detailed Certification Report showing the calibration results as well as the chemical analysis of the tube, conductors, and MgO. A Certificate of Conformance can be issued if requested at time of order.


MICT is proud to announce that it is registered to ISO 9001:2015, ISO17025:2017 and CSA Std. C22.2 No. 130-16.


MICT Quality Policy

We manufacture mineral insulated cable for the most critical temperature environments.


We are committed to:


  • Continually maintain a quality system that complies with ISO 9001:2015

  • Exceed industry technical standards (ASTM E585)

  • Ensure employee understanding and support of our quality system

  • Establish suppliers who share a commitment to quality

  • Enhancing customer satisfaction through continual improvement of the quality management system



MICT is registered to the ISO9001:2015 quality management system for its entire facility:


Additionally, our calibration laboratory is registered to ISO17025:2017 for increased calibration accuracy and reliability of product certification:

Heating cable and cold leads manufactured out of Incoloy 825 sheathing is certified to CSA Std. C22.2 No. 130-16, certificate #70119587 Class 2872 01 and 2878 heaters.


© 2023 MI Cable Technologies Inc.

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